Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday February 11, 2018 - Norman's Cay center to Norman's Cay South

As you might have guessed, this was a short move - about 2 miles.  I'm now at the south anchorage and thinking maybe I should have stayed where I was.  This is the anchorage identified on Active Captain with lots of pretty good reviews.  It appeared that I'd be able to get closer to shore.  I'd been at the previous anchorage for 3 days and I thought it was time for some new scenery.  Before moving, I DID consider the fact that I was behind some 50 to 75' bluffs that were blocking the wind.  There are no bluffs at the south end of the island - elevation is only about 15 or 20'. That means that what wind there is just blasts right across the land and makes for a loud hum in the rigging.  I AM a little closer to shore but it is still pretty bouncy.  Another negative (that I knew before I moved) is that the anchorage here has a lot more boats.  Not really a big deal except that I anchored a little to close to a 50' trawler.  If he would ask me to move, I'd gladly do it. 
Well, this is my first day with no connection to the outside world.  For the last 3 days, I've had data service but no calling.  Today, for some reason, nothing.  It looks like I'm going to have to take a break from some of my gadgets.  I hope the withdrawal isn't too severe!  Of course, I can process some videos and cull through hundreds of photos I've taken.  I looked at Ed and Joan's blog this morning.  They included lots more photos than me.  They did a really nice job.  I really need to take the quality of my blog up a notch or two.  I keep thinking about what it would be like if I had a partner on the boat to share with some of all this.  Would it give me more time to "blog"?  I have several youtube sailing channels that I really like and most of them are by couples where one of them does most of the video taking, editing, and posting.  I had big plans to do some of that but I'm close to declaring myself a total failure at "vlogging" (video blogging).  The periods between videos has become so long that I can barely remember how to use the camera, editing software, etc.  I'll keep chugging away -  just don't have any high expectations - I no longer do.

BTW, there is a great website for anyone that would be interested in reading about some of the places I've been or will be visiting. It's called The Bahamas Cruising Guide.  They have links to all the islands and it is all very organized.  It's a great resource for me.  What are some of my other resources you ask?
1.       Explorer Charts - 12" x 18" chart books that are the bible of charts for the Bahamas.  There are three of them and I have just two.  They give recommended (safe) routes through some pretty scary areas.  They also contain a lot of good text/advice - but mostly the charts.
2.      Electronic Charts - I have a chart plotter at the helm and I have three different brands of charts on several different devices (phones, tablets, and laptop).  All three have different features and I use them all - a lot.  Some of them has a feature called Active Captain.  If I find an anchorage I like, I can enter it into Active Captain and then ALL other cruisers can see it on their charts.  For some anchorages you will find 40 and 50 reviews for anchorages, Marinas, hazards, etc.  It's a fantastic resource that I've promoted for years.
3.      Then there are the more casual/entertaining resources like other cruisers blogs, articles you see online or in magaings, YouTube videos, etc.
4.      And, I can't forget the friends I have me and continue to meet on my trip.  A special thanks to Bruce Danadt and Steve Schroeder for all the advice and tips they have given me.

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