Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 - Layover at Big Majors

Have you ever really listened to roosters crow in the morning?  It seems funny how people make a big deal over the calls that birds of nature make.  But roosters certainly have a loud and elaborate call.  I'm not sure what it about it that I like - maybe they, like me" are early risers and are proud of it. 

There is hardly a cloud in the sky this morning. It's beautiful out.  I'm currently running the generator so I'm inside with things closed up (except for fresh air coming in through the forward hatch).  My plan is to visit the pig beach this morning.  Hopefully they will be frisky and welcoming. 

I dinghied over to Pig Beach this morning.  My video will follow in a day or two (when I get wifi).  I enjoyed the pigs and, until they realized they had gotten all they were getting from me, they seemed to enjoy me.  I was only there for 20 minutes.  That's one of those things you make a "day" of when you are retired.  On my way back to the boat, I ran out of gas.  Fortunately, I had my gas can with me. I think I got about quart in the tank and about 1/2 quart in the water.  I really do need to come up with a better system fill the tank.  This was the second time this morning that I had run out of gas.  The first was in the middle of making pancakes.  The propane tank ran out just after putting my last pancake in the skillet.  I have a two gallon propane tank but I left it at home because it is way out of date and I was afraid I might have trouble getting it filled.  So I removed it and have been using the one pound Coleman camping containers.  They last a little over a week.  I think I have plenty to get me back to Florida but I'm pretty sure they will be available in Marsh Harbour if I need some.  So, that last pancake was a little tough.

I cleaned out the lazarette this afternoon.  I did this to see if there was any evidence of any more cock roaches.  Happily, the one I found 3 weeks ago must have been a "Lone Ranger". 

Here is a link to the Sailing Britican Youtube channel.  Their pig video is much better than mine.

Who said these pigs are aggressive?

I think she is going to miss me.

1 comment:

  1. Ron,
    sounds like you are becoming attuned to nature and having a great trip.ENJOY !!!!
