Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday February 8, 2018 - Allen's Cay to Norman's Cay

I waved goodbye to my friends (the iguanas) at around 10am and headed for Highbourne Cay.  It is the next island south and has a well known marina with a good reputation. As my friend Bruce warned, there was a fairly strong current through the narrow cuts into the area where you enter the marina basin.  I got fuel and water and had a nice conversation with the dock hand Steven.  The only people who aren't super friendly down here are a small portion of the big boat owners (I mean 60' and up).   After fueling up, I followed my tracks back out and was on my way to Norman's Cay.  Norman's has lots of history related to drug traffic.  That's in the past and for the last 20 years, several companies have been trying to build resorts and marinas etc. (without a lot of success).  There is an small airport and a few homes.

I got to my chosen anchorage about 1pm and had a fairly relaxing afternoon/evening.  Late in the day, several squals passed through but they all passed to the north.  Getting a little rain would be welcome to wash some of the salt off the boat. It seems like there is salt on everything (but I'm still adding it to my food). It's in the air and splashes up onto the decks when sailing in any kind of seaway.  I'm sure I'll get a good downpour one of these days.

      Highbourne Cay Marina

Norman's Cay.  Yes, I love a good sunset!  

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