Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday 11/24/2017 - Fernandina Beach to Jacksonville

This morning, he and I went to a quaint little restaurant for breakfast.  Then we walked around town. I'd have to say Fernandina Beach is about the coolest town I've ever been in.  The buildings are VERY historic.  Much of the old buildings and architecture still exists but the town has a very current and trendy feel.  It was "pajama day" and, even though it was chili, there were lots of people out and most of them were wearing their pajamas.  Wolfgang saw several people he knew and told them he and I were wearing our pajamas (sailors often sleep in their clothes).  A couple of the streets were closed off and they had activities for the kids and a couple different bands etc.  Fernandina Beach is a very "charming" little town. 
What's ironic is that the town is in between two large paper mills and from a distance it looks like an unattractive industrial area. 
I left the dock at 11:30am, after spending an hour getting water, doing some weather, tide, and boat checks, and donning my foul weather gear.  It was still blowing out of the north at about 20.  I made good time to my anchorage just south of the St. John's River (the inlet to Jacksonville).  The current and wind were with me most of the way.  I even used the genoa for about an hour. 

Tomorrow, I'll motor the 30+ miles to St. Auguatine where I'll meet my good friend Fred Chance.  Fred is making a road trip (starting this morning) down the east coast, visiting several friends along the way.  When he gets about half way down the east coast of Florida, he will head west to spend several days with his sister in Ft. Myers.

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