Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday March 17, 2018 - Little Harbour to Green Turtle Cay, Abacos

Today was the day to pass through "The Whale".  We wanted to get to Green Turtle Cay where Steve had been located since late December.  With very little wind, we motored north, past Hope Town and Marsh Harbour. 

As we approached "The Whale", we could see other boats passing freely through and could see that the conditions were unusually benign.  The Whale is a small island that you must pass to the outside (into the Atlantic) in order to go to the north or south of Treasure Cay.   There are two inlets - one on the north side and another on the south side.  There is usually a swell from the east that has had a chance to develop for thousands of miles.  When that swell goes from 20,000 feet in depth to 15 feet (over a distance of only a quarter mile), it builds quickly and develops into a huge surf that is very dangerous to pass through - on either side. 

There is an area behind (between the Whale and Treasure Cay) where there is severe shoaling - depths of 3 to 4' (at mid to high tide).  Some boats do pass through but it is fairly risky.  Today was an unusual (great) day to pass outside.  As we passed through the south side cut and motored along the outside of the Cay, we joked about anchoring and snorkeling on "The Whale".  After all, just 3 days before, we had SAILED through Current Cut. 

We wanted to get to Green Turtle Cay in time for the St. Patrick's Day festivities that were to begin at 3pm. We arrived right at 3 and called Steve who came out to greet us.  We took a mooring that was being rented by a Canadian couple (John and ??).  They had traveled north for a couple days and were very kind to let me use their mooring while they were gone. 

Robert and I hustled into the "Other Shore Club" dock and walked into town where the party had already started.  At around 5pm, about 15 decorated golf carts started the parade through town.  We all went to Sundowners for dinner and got back to the boat well after dark.

Whale Cay, unusually calm

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