Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday March 4, 2018 - Layover in North Rock Sound

The forecast has been for lots of North wind through the weekend.  However, last night, there were actually a few periods of under 10 knots.  I don't understand how the wind can be so variable out here in the open.  One minute it will be a very quiet and peaceful 5 knots and 30 seconds later, it will be a howling 20 knots.  In any event, the wind does appear to have subsided a bit (around 15 to 20) and tonight and tomorrow, it is supposed to really drop.  Tomorrow morning, I'll head back over to the Rock Sound Settlement to top off with water and provisions. 

Well, I "wrote" to soon.  It's now 10:30am and it's blowing a solid 25 with many gusts to 30 and a few to 35.  What's unsettling is knowing that there is a single, half inch diameter piece of three strand nylon rope between you and your anchor.  With some of the gusts, all I almost wince, hoping it holds.  Should I have put down a second anchor?  I've also thought numerous times how great it would be to have one of my high wind sailboards right now.  It's the perfect spot - waves just under a foot and 25 to 30 knot winds.  I'd be flying.

I spent 2 to 3 hours today organizing and cleaning up my photos and videos.  I've had some logic for filing and organizing but sometimes I just can't keep up with it all.  I even edited some of my videos from two weeks ago.  I have some videos that are two and three months old that I still need to process/edit.  And, then there is getting them uploaded - that has almost become an impossibility.  I'm beginning to think it's not going to happen until I'm back in the US - maybe even back home. 

It's 7pm and the wind has abated a little.  It's currently 15 to 20 which is a huge improvement over earlier in the day.  I may get a decent night's sleep tonight.  Wait….. it's back up to 25 - hopefully an anomaly of nature!

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