Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday February 10, 2018 - Layover at Norman's Cay

First, please let me appologize for being behind.  For anyone interested enough to read "old news", I just finished writing and posting blogs for 1/30 and 31 and 2/1 through 2/3.  I amazed MYSELF how much detail I could remember (that's a warning).

I think I'm getting used to having "nothing" to do.  This morning, at around 11am, a squall came through.  I didn't get much rain but the wind did blow around 35 for about 10 minutes.  After it passed, the wind died to around 5 knots for about a half hour - then back to sunny and East at 15 to 20. 
At around 12:30pm, my neighbors stopped by in their dinghy.  They (Ron and Pfibee) have a Cabo Rico 34 (one of my favorite cruising sailboats) that is anchored about a tenth of a mile to my north.  They are from Montana and sailed their boat on Flathead Lake for several years before having it shipped east so the could cruise the Bahamas.  This is their second year.  Both last year and this, they started in the Abacos in December and then went south.  That seems backwards but it works for them. 

1 comment:

  1. Would that be Ron & Phoebe of s/v Noodin? If so, tell them Ed and Joan said Hi!
